Towards usable authentication on mobile phones: An evaluation of speaker and face recognition on off-the-shelf handsets

TitleTowards usable authentication on mobile phones: An evaluation of speaker and face recognition on off-the-shelf handsets
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsMayrhofer, R, Kaiser, T
Conference NameProc. IWSSI/SPMU 2012: 4th International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use, colocated with Pervasive 2012
Date PublishedJune

Authenticating users on mobile devices is particularly challenging because of usability concerns: authentication must be quick and as unobtrusive as possible. Therefore, biometric methods seem well suited for mobile phones. We evaluate both speaker and face recognition methods on off-the-shelf mobile devices concerning their accuracy, suitability for dealing with low-quality recordings, and running with limited resources. Our results show that speaker and face recognition can realistically be used on mobile phones, but that improvements – e.g.\ in the form of combining multiple methods – are still necessary and subject to future work.