Josef Ressel Center for User-friendly Secure Mobile Environments
Android Security Symposium 2015
ANANAS - ANalyzing ANdroid ApplicationS
About the speaker

Dieter Vymazal
Android is an open software platform for mobile devices with a large market share in the smartphone sector. The openness of the system as well as its wide adoption lead to an increasing amount of malware developed for this platform. ANANAS is an expandable and modular framework for analyzing Android applications that takes care of common needs of dynamic malware analysis and provides a simple to use plugin interface. Six plugins representing well-known techniques for malware analysis have been developed for ANANAS. Five of the six plugins implement dynamic analysis methods, such as system call hooking and network traffic analysis.
ANANAS is integrated in a scalable analysis infrastructure that allows analysts to upload samples and to get a report which contains filtered analysis results gathered by the used analysis plugins within a few minutes. The ANANAS analysis infrastructure is operated by the malware lab at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg and is used by an Austrian antivirus vendor who gives feedback on the practical usefulness of the system.