Android Security Symposium 2015

Secure elements for you and me: A model for programmable secure hardware in mobile ecosystems

About the speaker

Alexandra Dmitrienko

Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT), Darmstadt, Germany
Alexandra is a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology since 2011. Starting from January 2015 she leads the Mobile Services group of the Cyber-Physical Systems Security department of Fraunhofer SIT. Recently Alexandra obtained her PhD in Information Security from TU Darmstadt. Her academic achievements within a PhD program were awarded with an Intel Doctoral Student Honor Award. Her research is mainly focused on security aspects of mobile operating systems, such as Android, and security architectures for security sensitive mobile applications (such as online banking, access management, mobile payments and ticketing).


The velocity of change in the mobile ecosystem requires a new techniques to secure mobile devices. This talk will explain how we can address this challenge by combining global data from mobile devices and app store metadata with static, forensic and dynamic app analysis to create a powerful, data-centric approach to mobile security.


Get the slides here.
