Josef Ressel Center for User-friendly Secure Mobile Environments
Peter Riedl
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“AmDL Framework: API Design Documentation”, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, JR-Center u'smile, Hagenberg, 2017.
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“Only play in your comfort zone: interaction methods for improving security awareness on mobile devices”, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 19, no. 5-6, p. 954, 2015. preprint.pdf (6.09 MB)
, “Guidelines for secure user interface handling”, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, JR-Center u'smile, Hagenberg, 2014.
, “A Practical Hardware-Assisted Approach to Customize Trusted Boot for Mobile Devices”, in Information Security Conference (ISC 2014), Hong Kong, 2014. usmile-ISC14-SecureBoot.pdf (643.58 KB)
, “Prototypical implementation and demonstration of context sensing and reasoning on embedded mobile devices for estimating current context aspects”, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, JR-Center u'smile, Hagenberg, 2014.
, “Requirements for Secure Input and Output on Personal Mobile Devices and an Analysis of Advantages/Disadvantages of Different Solutions”, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, JR-Center u'smile, Hagenberg, 2014.
, “Towards the Principal Applicability of a Zone Concept to Create a User-Friendly Secure Mobile Environment”, in Adjunct Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013), 2013.
, “Visualizations and Switching Mechanisms for Security Zones”, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2013), Vienna, Austria, 2013, pp. 278–281.
, “Towards a Practical, Scalable Self-Localization System for Android Phones Based on WLAN Fingerprinting”, in Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), 2012 32nd International Conference on, 2012, pp. 98-101.