Josef Ressel Center for User-friendly Secure Mobile Environments
Android Security Symposium 2017
Silver Sponsor: eshard

Sensitive data in mobile and IoT are increasingly exposed to more and more sophisticated threats. Compromising security can lead to severe reputation damage and your customers losing trust in your product. And ultimately your customers can be subjected to fraud, identity theft or other forms of cybercrime.
eshard aims to be a trusted partner to developers and solution providers for understanding and analysing the risks in those complex technical areas. Together with you, we find the right measures to apply to ensure you maintain a strong and adequate level of security for your product.
Our highly educated R&D teams are continuously analysing current and potential security threats. With applying the right techniques and developing innovative tools, they help ensure your product is secure today and beyond. eshard aims to guide you towards becoming aware of the threats, enabling you to make your product stronger from a security perspective. This will ultimately give you peace of mind that it will withstand attacks.
Dedicated to promote a more secure world in a growing connected and mobile environment, eshard provides dedicated security tools, security/technical consultancy services and mobile application security enhancement.