Josef Ressel Center for User-friendly Secure Mobile Environments
Android Security Symposium 2017
Assessing and improving mobile application security
About the speakers

Michael Peck

Carlton Northern
Many enterprises are seeking commercial solutions to perform security vetting of
mobile applications for exploitable vulnerabilities and suspicious behaviors. We
will discuss an analysis performed by MITRE in 2016 of the effectiveness of app
security vetting solutions, including discussion of their overall strengths and
weaknesses. As part of the analysis, we developed solution criteria based on
NIAP's Protection Profile for Application Software, and we created Android and iOS
applications with deliberately inserted vulnerabilities and suspicious behaviors.
Our work may help others faced with assessing the security of mobile applications.
Next, we'll discuss a MITRE research project into tools and techniques for improving
Android application security. We developed static analysis checks for the Android
Lint tool built in to Android Studio and the Android Software Development Kit (SDK).
The static analysis checks, accepted by the Android Open Source Project, enable app
developers and security analysts to identify and eliminate several common Android
app vulnerabilities up-front in the software development lifecycle. We'll also
discuss our attempt to propose changes to the Android operating system's SELinux
mandatory access control policies and other security architecture elements to
address application security vulnerabilities and misbehaviors.